Monday, April 27, 2009

Wildflowers and Donkeys

In my last post, I meowed about how my mom only lets me go outside for "photo ops". Thanks to the wildflowers blooming here in the mountains of eastern Furesno County, Mommy saw a new photo-op today. I don't know what the big deal is about wildflowers.....After all, you can't eat them! (Or at least I can't eat them....ptooey!) But I dutifully posed on a log with the colorful flowers in the background.
To tell you the truth, I was actually glad to get back inside the house. If I look a bit apprehensive in the photo, it's because the donkeys next door (who are extremely nosey) were coming up to the fence to check out the wildflower photo shoot. Mommy tried to reassure me that they were just looking to see if she had brought along any carrots to feed them over the fence. But I don't trust anyone with four legs who is that much bigger than I am. One loud "hee haw" and I would've been out of there! Anyone who talks about the peace and quiet of country living has never lived next door to two donkeys!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day!

My dear wife Lily sent me a pawmail via Catster, wishing me a Happy Earth Day. Yes, it is Earth Day! We are already one month into springtime, the trees are full of leaves, flowers are in bloom, and a cat's thoughts turn to long walks through the tall grass. But, *sigh*, how is one to celebrate Earth Day if one is being held prisoner indoors, as I am most of the time?

I haven't decided yet if my new dog is good for much, but I do have him to thank for my occasional forays into the great outdoors. The hoomans seem to open the door much more often since Pen came to live with us, and that provides more oppurrtunities to position myself near the door and plot my escape. I usually get caught and brought back inside, but efurry once in awhile, the hooman mommy says something about a "photo-op", and allows me to spend a bit of supervised time outdoors. Unfurtunately, "photo ops" usually involve some foolishness with the puppy. Oh well, I'll take what I can get, if it means I get a few minutes to chomp on a nice blade of grass or get a bit of fresh air and excercise. The rest of the time, I have to appurreciate "Earth" through the window. I hope efurryone is enjoying this Earth Day and doing something nice for the planet. As for me, I'm going to go sit by the door and wait for the puppy to go out.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I'm on Stuff On My Cat today!

Finally! My picture has been published on Stuff On My Cat today!
Mommy promised me that if I posed for this foolishness, I would be rewarded with about fifteen minutes of celebrity. And it took only half-a-year for the picture to appear on the SOMC web site!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Please vote "thumbs up" for my video!

Last year, my mom made a video of me playing with Daddy's jockey shorts and entered it in an online contest. Last October, I posted here in my blog that my video had made it to the semi-finals. Voting has been closed for awhile, but now it has reopened and I need all the help I can get from my furriends (and their hoomans) to make it into the finals! There are thirty finalists in the Yobi.TV "Laugh" category, and each week, the five videos with the least "thumbs up" votes will be eliminated. So I'm asking all of you again to please vote "thumbs up" for my video every week to help me stay in the running, and please tell a friend! Here is the link, and THANK YOU for your suppurrt!