I haven't blogged for awhile, but I wanted to stop by and wish efurryone a very Merry Christmas. The holiday season is especially significant for me. December 22nd marks the second annifursary of the day my daddy finally agreed to let me become a member of our household. Back in December of '07, Mommy kept telling him that the only thing she wanted for Christmas was ME, and Daddy finally gave in and agreed to let me live indoors. Daddy wasn't too enthused at first, but the other day when Mommy told Daddy that I was the best Christmas present she ever got, Daddy gave me a hug and said that I am "the gift that keeps on giving!" Can you imagine that??!
2009 has been a difficult year for my family. My puppy Sasha went to the Bridge in February, and my brofur and best friend Lalo followed her there seven months later to the day. I have really missed Lalo especially, but now I'm trying to step up and am cuddling with Mommy and Daddy more. (That used to be Lalo's job.) I have some big pawprints to fill and may not be able to completely fill them as I'm not polydactyl like Lalo was, but I'm giving it my best shot.
My baby sisfur Rayna, who joined us the end of March, has been a welcome addition to our family. She is very good company and snuggles with me the way Lalo used to do. (She is about half Lalo's size so she takes up less space in the kitty bed.) A few days ago, Mommy took a picture of Rayna wearing a sweater that used to belong to a teddy bear. Rayna wasn't too thrilled, but she allowed Mommy to take her picture, and then Mommy promised to never make Rayna wear that sweater again. The things we have to put up with from our humans!
I'm sending purrs to all of my friends in the kitty blogosphere, and I hope that you and your families have a very happy holiday!