OK, enough about the depressing stuff. I want to talk to you about my little sisfur Rayna. It seems like only yesterday that she could fit in Mommy's hand. Now she's almost six months old, and she is growing up to be quite a beautiful young lady. I don't mean to be a dirty old cat, but I couldn't help but check her out the other day as she was walking away from the feeder. I hope she doesn't figure out how purrty she is; I wouldn't want her to get all full of herself.
Oh, one more thing about Lalo...I don't think I ever told my blog buddies about how Lalo let Rayna nurse when she was a baby! Yes, I'm serious! Lalo was a neutered male, but he was such a good big brofur to Rayna that he let her pretend he was her mommy! So I'm including a picture of Rayna at three months of age, nursing on Lalo. I would never let a baby kitty nurse on me! But Lalo was a wonderful brofur to all of us. I hope he wouldn't be embarrassed that I'm showing you this picture. I just want efurryone to remember Lalo as a really great guy. And I also want you to know that my sisfur Rayna is kind of goofy.