It's happened again, folks; I have the best of intentions in keeping up my bloggy, but time just gets away from me. Of course, there is the staff to blame...My typist gets so preoccupied with other things. She really needs to rearrange her priorities.
I'll admit that I've been purrsuing some hobbies of my own. I love to check things out, just to try and figure out what makes them tick! My mom has this little battery-operated golden kitty (It's really plastic, but gold-colored), and it waves its left foreleg back-and-forth. Here's a picture of me trying to analyze why it does that. Mommy calls it a "maneki-neko" and says that it's a beckoning cat that is supposed to bring good luck. I don't know how that works. If I were to wave my foreleg around like that all the time, it wouldn't bring anything but a case of bursitis. Hoomans have some strange supurrstitions.
I've also been spending a considerable amount of time on my purrsonal grooming, which isn't the easiest thing to do when you have a curly tail. There are some hard-to-reach spots, but I try my best. I can tell from my dog Pen's expression in the attached photo that he is impressed. He should be...He could definitely use some help with his doggy hygiene. Watch and learn, Pen.
I hope my furiends in the east and midwest are all staying warm and dry during the terrible storms that have hit those parts of the country. My purrs go out to them and to their families.
Until next time, fellow furs, have a great month, and may your Valentine's Day be filled with love and catnip.
Glad you're keeping busy since your staff is otherwise preoccupied. We hope you will be returning soon.
Hey, Curly, you won the coffee prize in The Cat's Meow's Olympic giveaway! If yoo'll send me yer shipping address, I'll have it sent to yoo -- along with a Cat's Meow coffee mug!
Yer frend,
Skeezix the Cat
Oops, I furgot. My emale address is skeezix AT catster DOT com.
Hi Jan!
Skeeeeeezixxxxxx!!!! I'm thrilled to be the coffee winner! On my way to email you my address.
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