Okay, enough about the dog. How do you like my extra-curly-tail picture? Mom took that photo a couple of weeks ago, but a few days ago she printed it out on her compooter and then put it in a frame and hung it on the bedroom wall. I feel SO honored! Mommy is really happy because now she and Daddy can both admire my picture efurry day. I'm not sure if Daddy shares my mom's enthusiasm...Mom didn't ask him.
Okay, what else is new? Well, I am checking in efurry day on my Facebook event page entitled "Purresident Curly's Town Hall Meeting". Attendance has really dropped off since I started the event, but I still check in frequently, just in case someone stops by. My furiend and Vice Purresident Princess Kitty came to the meeting yesterday. It's always good to see her.
Oh, I have a new blogging buddy! His name is Christopher http://www.blogger.com/profile/05908623676437513493
It was really funny because I just happened to read about him and thought he sounded pretty cool, so I invited him to be furriends on Catster.com. It turned out that he had seen my blog and had sent me a Catster furiend request right about the same time!! Talk about a coincidence! Obviously, we were meant to be furriends.
Well, that's about it for now. I hope efurryone has a super-duper weekend, filled with purrs and Temptations treats.
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