Today Mommy read about a photo contest on The Cat's Meow Blog. This contest has been going on for over a month, but Mommy just learned about it today. (Sometimes Mommy is kind of slow...) The contest is open to cats who blog, so I guess I'm qualified to enter. There are two main CATegories: "Full Monty" (cats laying on their backs), and "The Monty Q" (cats on their tummies with their hind legs outstretched). There are also sub-categories of "Silliest Q" and "Curly Q Tail". (I like the name of that last one!)
Mom sent in a photo of me in each of the two main categories. I doubt if I am seriously in the running for a prize because Mom sent my entries in so LATE. But it's still fun to show off for the camera.
Here is a link showing all the entries: http://doingtheq.blogspot.com/
(My photos may not be on there yet....the reason being that Mommy was so LATE in entering them! Oh, I already mentioned that, didn't I?! MOL!)
Wasn't the contest extended to this weekend? So your mom wasn't late. You could win a prize.
Hi, Jan's Funny Farm crew! I hope you are right! We're not sure how the voting works, but if winners are selected by a popular vote and not a panel of judges, we've already missed out on a month when I could've been getting votes. But really, the impurrtant thing is not whether I win or lose, but how I show off my cuteness.
Mom seriously messed up! My pictures still weren't on the contest page as of this morning (Sunday, Aug. 16), so my mom wrote to a nice lady who knows about these things, and she told us what we were doing wrong. We were supposed to login to the page and post the photos ourselves! Mom decided to enter only one picture of me (the Monty Q). {sigh} I just don't know about my staff sometimes...
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