I already had some prior experience with feathers, but they were generally small, and got kind of boring after the first few minutes. But peacock feathers are in a class by themselves!
This past weekend, Mommy and Daddy went to visit the mom and grandpawrents of my furiend Guido the Italian Kitty (http://theguidogazette.blogspot.com/). Guido's grandpawrents live on a ranch with a whole bunch of peacocks roaming the grounds. Now, I already had some knowledge of peacocks because our neighbors across the road have just one of those big birds, so I know that they make a loud meowing sound like a cat! But I never got up close and purrsonal with our neighbor's peacock, so I didn't know what the deal was with those tail-feathers. It seems that the big birds shed their feathers so they can grow new ones, and that's what was going on when Mommy and Daddy went to Guido's grandpawrents' place. So my pawrents picked up some of the feathers off the ground to bring home and put in a vase. (I thought vases were for flowers...I really don't understand humans.) But they did let me have one that was a bit scraggly, and I'm having a blast with it!
I wish all of my furiends a good week, and if you're looking for a good time, I would highly recommend peacock feathers to all of you.
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